Tag Archives: Cory Huff

Pricing Lessons

Dollar sign - goldThe new year is approaching fast. School visit invitations are ramping up – but so is your blood pressure. Do you feel as if you are constantly justifying your school visit fees to yourself and others? Do you second guess whether your services are priced to best reflect the content — and motivation — you deliver?

If you’re struggling with the fees you charge for your school visits, read this blog post by Melissa Dinwiddie, “5 Art Pricing Lessons I Learned the Hard Way.”  Replace the word “art” with “school visit presentation” and you will have some of the best advice ever about pricing.  Be sure to read the comments from readers as they share great advice, too. And when you’re done, leave a comment here to let us know what you think of this.

This guest post appeared “The Abundant Artist” blog by Cory Huff.  My thanks to Elizabeth Dulemba for bringing this to my attention.