Tag Archives: holiday tip

A Simple Card

Card - Holiday Cheer Reindeer with border2I don’t know about you, but I get a thrill when my mailbox includes “real” mail with hand-addressed envelopes and pretty stamps, not just catalogues and advertising (which go immediately in my recycle bin.)

Teachers, librarians and booksellers are no different.  A simple card that says “thanks” for what they do gives their day a boost.  And it shows you’ve gone the extra step to acknowledge their efforts to connect kids with good books.

I know that the holidays are fast approaching and you have much to do for your personal circle of friends and family. But before schools dismiss for winter vacation around December 19, why not take a moment and thank school visit hosts and booksellers from this past year for inviting you to their schools and stores. Send a holiday card. And if you miss them in December, a “Happy New Year” card when they return to school would be a nice surprise.  Your simple “gift” of thanks in your own handwriting will mean a lot to them.